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UNESCO Archives Portal

National Archives , Regional and State Archives , Municipal Archives , Universities and Research, Institutions Archives and Others.
>>> UNESCO Archives Portal

International Archival Resources on the Internet
The purpose of this page is to provide links to Internet resources of interest to archivists and other records professionals.
>>> International Archival Resources on the Internet

Archivenet is a search device for websites by archival services at home and abroad. Archivenet is being updated on a daily basis since 1995.
You can make a choice between the main categories The Netherlands, Flanders, world and others. Within the categories The Netherlands and Flanders you can search for place as well as province. The category world is subdivided according to continents. In the category others you can find references to portalsites and websites by other institutions. If the organisation you are looking for cannot be found, the search screen at the top may be of use.
Furthermore Archivenet will point out to you, by means of messages in the right hand column, new websites or parts of new websites. You can also apply such messages yourself.
Archivenet is an initiative of the Historical Centre Overijssel.
>>> Archivenet.nl

Archivschule Magdeburg

Die Archivschule Marburg ist die zentrale Aus- und Fortbildungseinrichtung des Archivwesens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Seit mehr als 50 Jahren werden hier Archivarinnen und Archivare des höheren, wie auch des gehobenen Archivdienstes ausgebildet. Auf den Internetseiten der Archivschule Marburg finden sich zahlreiche Links zu staatlichen oder kirchlichen Archiven in Deutschland, Europa und in Übersee.
>>> Archivschule Marburg
>>> Archivschule Marburg: Archive im Internet



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